Sunday, September 06, 2009

06 SEP 2009 - Beach Ride

Today we put the bikes on top of the car and drove over to AB and then rode up and down NC58. First to Fort Macon where we visited the inlet overlook shelter and had a couple of other bikers snap our picture. Then back down the island through AB to the Pine Knoll Shores NC Aquarium. We stopped for an ice cream cone at the refreshment stand and then peddled back to AB. Here are the statistics for this ride:

30.85 km .... Distance
19.10 kph ... Average Speed
01:37 hh:mm . Total Time


  1. The day was overcast and a 'nor-easter' was winding up off the coast so we had about a 15 mph NE wind. It was not too bad we rode into the wind on the way to Fort Macon and then had a nice tail-wind riding to the Aquarium then a head wind on the way back to AB.

  2. Pea green again, as I spent the weekend in the car it seemed.

    We shortened our stay with Rosemary and John by a bit, and went to Upper Marlboro to spend sunday night and mon. morn with Betsy and Frank. Betsy was looking a bit better than at the beach, and I also spoke with vanessa. She said betsy was doing better as well. We will know more after the visit to the pulmonary specialist on Sept 16. Love LAVIECE
