Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cycle For Hope Center 50K

A Very Nice 50K Loop 
Around Western Wake County

The church we contribute to hosts the "Hope Center At Pullen" and every year about this time (early October) for the past four years they have hosted a 50K/100K bike tour to raise money for the Hope Center. "... The Hope Center at Pullen connects young people aging out of foster care in Wake County with the resources and support they need for a successful transition to adulthood ..."

This year they also had an 11 mile 'greenway-ride' where some of the kids that are in the center rode, in addition to folks who just signed up for the ride.

The ride took us around Western Wake County, there were plenty of hills and not a lot of traffic. I think I have cycled on every single one of the roads we were on at one time or another but never this particular set of roads.

Here are my statistics:

02:45 ---- hh:mm - Elapsed Time
53.00 ---- km ---- Distance
21.50 ---- kph --- Average Speed
50.00 ---- kph --- Maximum Speed

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